Posted: 1.01.2013 | | Labels:

with every new year comes a new list of resolutions that each and every 
one of us writes down or mentally write down (even if you don't wanna admit it)
and it's exciting and scary. 

every year i try to jot down on a piece of paper a few goals and i put it up somewhere that i will have to see daily. i normally don't share my goals, but i think that maybe if i share them i will have to try my hardest to do them.

1. move out and live on my own.

2. travel more. travel lightly.

3. focus more on my blog.

4. really push myself and put myself out there.

5. be a balla (i guess i wrote this down last night? ha ha ew!)

6. let myself be more vulnerable.

7. really focus on school and on pursuing my dreams.

8. not care as much about the small things.

9. learn more. see more. enjoy it all.

10. work hard at everything. a good work ethic is key.

11. be healthy, stay healthy. always have a good workout playlist.

my resolutions over the years have gone from dumb and embarrassing to things that are more important. i really hope that this year brings exciting things.

do you guys make a list of resolutions/goals?