Posted: 10.14.2013 | | Labels: ,

let me start off by saying how much i love this photograph from the series Isle of White. the long braids, white dresses, and the landscape...i am so totally inspired.

okay, now back to the real reason for this post. there is a new playlist for you to listen to! i'm pretty terrible at blogging and posting new mixes if you haven't already noticed. lately i have been listening to all sorts of music. i'll have to post a random mix soon, but this weeks is a little more laid back. i've even been listening to it when working out. random mix. good musicians/bands. nothing crazy. it has been just what i needed on my long drives. last week i put almost 600 miles on my car. in one week. how crazy is that?! so, i've needed music that's not going to drive me insane.

listen to playlist here

click through for full photo series


Vogue, January 1968
photographer Arnaud de Rosnay

photos found here