Posted: 8.15.2012 | | Labels: ,

so, i am not a huge fan of hot weather. currently in southern california we are dealing with a bit of heat (it's like gross) and somehow it reminded me of a mini road trip i took with some friends of mine to a lovely place called salvation mountain. it is about a hour and a half from palm springs and it was built by a lovely old man named leonard knight. isn't this place cool?!

if you have watched into the wild than you might remember that some scenes with emile hirsch and kristen stewart were shot right at salvation mountain! to those of you who have never watched the movie...what are you doing with your lives!? just kidding, but go watch it.

so, guys, if you are ever in desperate need of a mini road trip (we all need one every once in a while) and don't mind the windy drive...go to salvation mountain! grab a couple of friends and stop by trader joe's or better yet whole foods to get yourselves some tasty snacks for the road. 

if you are currently in southern california, i hope you don't die in this heat.