Posted: 3.04.2013 | | Labels:

happy monday! guys, can you believe it is already march?! wasn't it just january! like, what in the world! next week i'll be boarding a plane for london. it's weird because it feels like yesterday i was booking my flight. ah!

the first day of spring is march 20th which is three days before my 20th birthday (which i'll be celebrating in london) and that is both exciting and scary. exciting because it means it'll be time for cute spring clothes (i can't believe i am excited about this) and scary because it means i have to start really kicking my ass during my workouts. anyone else with me?

this week for music monday i am bringing you a workout playlist. with spring just under three weeks away we should all be working to get our bodies ready for bathing suits and shorts. if you are like me you are really picky about workout music. if the right songs aren't playing then my workouts aren't as great.

i want to propose something. some of you might read this, laugh, and think "who does she think she is. hell no." that's okay, this isn't for everyone. for those of you who want to do this with me...from now until April 4th (one whole month) i propose we run 2 miles a day. it's great because it isn't a lot, but it's still something and we will feel great afterwards. if you want to run more then awesome. i am all about that! if you want to join me and i would love for you to tell me!

a few notes:
1. it's all about finding a gap in your schedule to put on some running shoes and get some cardio done. (i always feel so good after i workout and i know you probably do too.)
2. if you want to run a mile and walk the other mile then that's awesome too! just get movin'.
3. we can share workout playlists! i'll be focusing my music monday playlists this month on just workout music.*

i started this last week and feel great knowing i am getting some cardio in before my workouts.

*if you want to listen to this playlist when working out i suggest downloading the spotify premium 30 day free trial so that you can instantly listen to this playlist on your phone (or whatever you use) even without any internet. it's amazing and you can cancel before it ends so you don't have to pay after your trial expires. but in all honesty spotify premium is amazing.

and yes, i do listen to one direction when i workout. no shame. no shame at all.

PS you can now pin photos from Gold & Wired!