Posted: 4.12.2012 | | Labels:

i made this bread a few weeks back but have been so busy and have not had the time to post about it. this cake was so delicious and citrusy and perfect. i ended up making one load instead of the directed two and it took a lot longer to bake. a lot lot longer. everyone seemed to love the taste of the cake even someone who doesn't like poppy seeds (who doesn't love poppy seeds?!) ate it up.

i'm currently craving the heck out of this bread. i definitely need to make this again soon. so very soon! i didn't bake anything last week because i was away (i took a much needed mini vacation to my favorite city: san francisco) and did not find the time to bake anything so this week i will be making up for it and baking two yummy treats! 

i found this recipe from always with butter which is such a fun blog! love the recipes i get from there. check it out! 

sorry for being so mia lately. i will post some photos from san francisco soon and suggest some great restaurants.
