Posted: 8.21.2012 | | Labels: ,

there are very few things that make my heart skip a big huge beat: really pretty paper stores, ryan gosling, and fantastic architectural works. like, come on, who doesn't go crazy over wonderfully designed buildings.

i love going through photos and fantasizing that i lived in those great buildings. i like to imagine the types of parties i'd throw (because i promise you, that is all i would ever do) and how i would decorate my home. i go a little crazy. judge me, world.

so, basically, the first home would be my winter home where i would go with some friends during the cold months and hangout and do lots of fun stuff that people would normally do in awesome homes like this one. ha ha. that second home is just great!

those outside patios are awesome. i would love a big ol' loft in new york with a private patio like this one. a girl can dream, can't she? and that restaurant looks great, i want to eat there...or drink there, i don't know.

do you fantasize about fantastic buildings like i do sometimes? i hope so!

photo found here / here / here / here